Rice with everything!
- 1/2 cebola
- 1 dente de alho
- 1/2 chouriço de soja
- 1 berinjela pequena
- 2 tomates
- 3 tiras de pimento
- Arroz selvagem
- Especiarias (caril, açafrão, paprika, sementes de mostarda, tomilho em pó)
- sal, pimenta e salsa
- refogar a cebola e alho até dourar, adicionar a chouriça de soja,mexer
- cortar a berinjela em tiras( eu tirei a casca) e os tomates e colocar na panela, até as berinjelas ficarem castanhas
- adicionar o arroz e as especiarias e envolver, juntar água e deixar cozer o arroz
- no final temperar com sal, pimenta e salsa e servir
- olive oil
- 1/2 of a onion
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1/2 of a soy chorizo
- 1 small eggplant
- 2 tomatoes
- 3 slices of red bell pepper
- mix of wild rice
- spices (curry, tumeric, paprika, mustard seeds, time)
- sal, pepper and fresh parsley
How to:
- sautée the onion, the garlic, then add the chorizo, and stir.
- cut the eggplant in slices (I took the peel off) and the tomatoes and add to the pan, till the eggplants get brown
- add the spices and rice and stir, then add water and let it cook
- when it's cook, season with salt and pepper and finish with fresh parsley!
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