- 250 gr de couve flor
- meia cebola
- 2 dentes de alho
- 1 tomate
- coentros qb
- sal e pimenta
- refogar, primeiramente, a cebola e os alhos, em lume brando
- depois quando a cebola tiver macia, juntar o tomate partidinhos aos cubos
- quando o tomate tiver quase desfeito, juntar a couve flor, previamente colocada num processador, ir mexendo em lume brando até amolecer
- no final juntar sal, pimenta e os coentros!
Os hambúrgueres foram feitos desta receita:
Black bean burgers and the rest of cauliflower "rice" with tomato and coriander
Ingredients for the rice:
- 250 gr of cauliflower
- half of a onion
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 tomato
- fresh coriander
- salt and pepper
How to:
- firtsly, braise the onion and the garlic in olive oil. When the onion is soft, add the tomato cutted into cubes
- then add the cauliflower who has been in a food processor like in my previous recipe, continue mixing till it's cooked
- finally, add the salt, pepper and the coriander
The veggies burgers were made from this recipe:
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