domingo, 15 de novembro de 2015

Macarrão com feijão

Mac and green beans!

Scroll down for english

- Azeite
- 1/4 de cebola
- 2 dentes de alho
- 3 tomates
- 2 tiras de pimento verde
- 200gr de feijão verde
- Macarrão smile emoticon
- Sal, pimenta e coentros

- Rofogar a cebola, o alho e o tomate em azeite. Depois passar o refogado com a varinha mágica.
- Adicionar dois copos de água deixar ferver e meter a massa
- À parte cozer o feijão verde às tiras. Depois escorrer e juntar à massa.
- Picar os coentros e temperar com sal e pimenta.

Se quiser juntar um queijinho vegan por cima

Mac with green beans
- Olive oil
- 1/4 of onion
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 3 tomatoes
- 3 slices of green bell pepper
- 200gr of green beans
- Pasta
- Salt, pepper and coriander

How to:
- Sautée the onion, the garlic and tomatos in olive oil, Then make a paste with the magic wand.
- Add two cups of water and the pasta and let it cook.
- In another pan cook the green beans cutted in slices. Drain it and add it to the cooked pasta
- Season with salt and pepper and top with coriander!

If you have some vegan cheese, can put it as well



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